Lawrence, Shaver, Kuhn, Weld, Wallace

                    And Other Related Families




109th Annual


AUGUST xx, 2017

12:30 p.m. at the

6840 Liberty Pole Road
Springwater, NY, 14560

For further information call

Becki or Brian Lawrence

(585) 330-1502

Hotdogs, Hamburgers, rolls and condiments will be provided.

Those attending are asked to bring their own lawn chairs, place settings, dish-to-pass, and either fresh lemons or a can of lemonade for the traditional Lawrence Family Lemonade.  Monetary donations are appreciated and needed to cover the costs of invitation mailing, meats, rolls and startup funds for next year.  Brian Lawrence (son of Norman M. Lawrence, grandson of Mark I. Lawrence), requests that if lodging ideas are needed or you have any questions please contact him or his wife Rebecca by phone (585) 330-1502, by e-mail at

or snail mail at 12 Livingston Street, Geneseo, NY  14454.  Please email Brian the names and addresses of children, grandchildren and other family members so he can invite them to the reunion.

Please bring any old or new family pictures you would like to share.



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