Could it possibly be that
we might make void God's word
"because of [our] traditions"? (Mat. 5:6)

Some possible non-scriptural traditions some of us may observe, and why these traditions make void the word of God:

Why "the Lord's Day" is not Sunday, the first day of the week.

Why the term "Breaking of Bread" does not mean the communion service

Why the bread used in the communion service might actually dishonor the Lord

Why the "Pastor" is not the chief person in the local church

Why the "church" in the acts is not the 'pattern church' for our day

The Lord's Day

Many Christians use the term "the Lord's Day" to refer to the first day of the week, commonly called "Sunday."  While it is true that the common names of the days of the week are derived from the names of pagan deities, nowhere in scripture does the term "Lord's Day" refer to the first day of the week.  Substituting the term "the Lord's Day" for "Sunday" may sound more religiously acceptable than saying "Sunday" but it actually deflects the meaning of the one and only occurrence of the term "the Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10.

Although human church tradition has misinterpreted the term "the Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10 to mean a day of the week, this misinterpretation sets aside it's true meaning which is "Jehovah's Day" or "the Day of Jehovah" referring to the glorious "day" when the Lord Jesus Christ will return to this earth and become the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to rule the world in righteousness. 

In Revelation 1:10 John the apostle became in spirit, not on a Sunday, and was shown visions of the future day of Yahweh, just as Jeremiah and Ezekiel were similarly transported in the visions of the Lord.  (See for example ____)

Making John to feel especially spiritual on some Sunday misses the whole point of the chapter and makes void the word of God.

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Breaking of Bread

Some religious organizations have built a superstructure of practices around the term "Breaking of Bread."   An individual in one such organization told me that the term is synonomous with the communion service, the Lord's Supper.  I pointed to Acts 27:35 where Paul had encouraged the crew of the storm-ridden ship to eat something:

Wherefore I exhort you to partake of food, for this has to do with your safety; for not a hair from the head of any one of you shall perish.  And, having said these things and taken a loaf, he gave thanks to God before all, and having broken it began to eat.  And all taking courage, themselves also took food.  (Acts 27:34-36)

Although it is clear that this passage simply means to take food, this person was so bound by his religious tradition that he insisted that Paul was holding a 'breaking of bread (communion) service.'  When I pointed to the obvious, that the crew of this ship were not Christians he had no answer, particularly because this person was a member of a sect that held ultra-separational views which prohibited anyone who didn't agree 100 percent with their traditions from observing their 'breaking of bread.'

Leavened or Unleavened Bread?

The bread used in the Passover Service during which the Lord Jesus took bread and broke it, was obviously unleavened bread, because leaven in scripture represents sin, and every household observing the Passover had gone to great pains to remove every trace of leaven from the house prior to observing the feast.